
Web Application Project

A Chrome/Firefox browser extension. Frontend made with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Backend made on Firebase with JavaScript.


Web Application Project

A Chrome/Firefox browser extension. Frontend made with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Backend made on Firebase with TypeScript.

Cow Hunt

Cybersecurity Lab

Acted as a cybersecurity consultant for Humbleify, tasked with discovering vulnerabilities in their network systems. Mitigations included using NIST 800-53.

Humbleify Pen Test Report

Cybersecurity Lab

Cybersecurity CTF (capture the flag) lab available on Hacker101. Full report features step by step processes detailing findings and vulnerabilities.

Petshop Pro Pen Test Report

Cybersecurity Lab

Google sponsored cybersecurity XSS (cross-site-scripting) lab. Full report features step by step processes detailing findings and vulnerabilities.

Google XSS Game Pen Test Report

Data / Machine Learning Project

A machine learning based chatbot that tells you jokes based on user input. Project made with Python, Tensorflow, NLTK, Pickle, and Numpy.

Lebron the Terminal Jokebot